What to Look for When Buying Your Tween’s First School Laptop

While school may be out for summer it’s never too early to start thinking about what you need to purchase for your child in time for the start of the next school year. Times have …

While school may be out for summer it’s never too early to start thinking about what you need to purchase for your child in time for the start of the next school year. Times have changed and no longer do students need just the simple stuff of pencils, notebooks, and binders. Today’s students are now relying on laptops like never before. If you’ll be shopping for your tween’s first school laptop this summer, here are a few things you’ll need to take into consideration.

It Needs to Be Easy to Carry – Think Lightweight and Streamlined

If your tween plans on taking their laptop to and from school, even occasionally, then you need to be mindful of the size and weight of the device. Chances are their backpack is quite full and heavy to start with, so you certainly don’t want to load them down with a clunky laptop. The good news is that today’s laptops are more streamlined than ever before, which means they are thinner and lighter. And generally speaking, the smaller the screen size, the lighter the device will be.

Shop According to Your Budget

You’ll want to set a budget before you start shopping. There is no reason to spend more than you are comfortable with and there’s also no reason your tween needs the top-of-the-line model as their first device. The Lenovo Back to School Laptop Sale can be the ideal time to shop.

Can the Laptop Hold Up to Your Teen’s Tasks?

Next, it’s time to look at the RAM and the processor. Because the processor is responsible for giving the instructions to the computer and then processing those tasks, you need to base your teen’s needs on what they will use the laptop for. Is it primarily for schoolwork, online research and creating word documents? If so, anything basic will probably be fine. On the flip side, if they will also be using their laptop for gaming, streaming movies and music and for additional software, then you’re going to need a better processor. In terms of RAM, again there is no right or wrong answer but 8GB will likely satisfy their needs. 

Will the Battery Hold Up?

One of the best parts about laptops is their portability, but that is highly dependent on the battery. You want a device that has an impressive battery that will last as long as possible between charges. Your teen may not be able to recharge at school, so you have to think about how much use they’ll get from it. At home, they can simply plug the laptop in, but that’s not always convenient either. A fast-charging battery will also help.

What About Security Features?

With all the hackers that are out there today, it makes sense to look for a device with security features. These ensure that no one can break into your teen’s laptop and access their documents. Anti-virus software is another must, which you may need to purchase separately.

By using these tips and advice, you’ll be able to find the perfect first laptop for your tween without any added stress.

126 thoughts on “What to Look for When Buying Your Tween’s First School Laptop”

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