Challenge Coin Design Tips to Get the Creative Juices Flowing

When you want to honor someone of service, what are your options? You could throw a party or celebratory event. But what if you want to go above and beyond and show how much they …

When you want to honor someone of service, what are your options? You could throw a party or celebratory event. But what if you want to go above and beyond and show how much they mean to you?

If you’re scratching your head, do not fret. What you need are challenge coins. Coming up with a challenge coin design is the tricky part.

To learn more about how to design a challenge coin, read our guide below.


The first step in your challenge coin design process is to answer what is a custom challenge coin‘s purpose?

Are you acknowledging someone’s achievements or deeds? Maybe it’s to raise money for a noble cause. Whatever the case may be, when you establish a specific purpose, you’ll know what you need and what to leave out.


Now that you know what the challenge coins will be used for, you can then start to think of the symbols you’ll want to include. If it’s for a celebration of birth, you could have a symbol of male or female or a stork. For the announcement of a wedding, a church or bells will suffice.

When you design a challenge coin, the symbol should be easily digestible. At a glance, the person should be able to piece together the meaning behind it.

For military personnel, you’ll want to learn about the meaning behind the symbols.


What colors will you end up choosing for your challenge coin design? Get to know color theory, as not all colors go well together.

If the customer challenge coins are for a specific organization, then you’ll want to use their colors first. Speaking to the client is always a good idea to get a sense of what they’re after.


Is there any text you’d like to put on your challenge coins? For starters, you could have the date of the event.

Or perhaps you are celebrating an anniversary. In that case, you could display proudly the number of ears. This could either be on the face of the rim of the challenge coins.

It’s in your best interest not to overdo it with text. You want a simple, clean design that is easy on the eyes.


What type of plating will choose for your challenge coin design? You can choose options such as gold, silver, polish, or antiqued. This will set the tone (from warm to cold) and style of your challenge coin design.

By choosing a plating, your piece will take on a life of its own. Combined with beautiful typography, you can create the distinguished look you’re after.

How Will You Create a Challenge Coin Design?

Now it’s up to you to honor the person or achievements. What will you come up with in your challenge coin design?

Coming up with something may take some time, but it’s well worth the effort, isn’t it? With your inspiration and motivation, you’ll have something in no time.

For more advice on the like, read our blog today!

37 thoughts on “Challenge Coin Design Tips to Get the Creative Juices Flowing”

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