We are social people by nature, looking for companionship, friends to laugh and relax with, and often we assume that having a pet that they would enjoy the same things that we do. For the most part, this is true but there are times and events when things can get overwhelming for them and the stress and anxiety levels begin to rise.
There are many methods to practice or prescriptions that pet owners give to their pets but as times are changing and we are becoming more aware of our health, bodies, and implementing a more natural approach to nutrition for both us and more importantly our pets who rely on us for a quality life.
Natural products and ingredients
It seems that there is always a new product on the market claiming to be the best for your pet, but how do we know which is truly the better option? Are the sales adverts and clever advertising campaigns simply a gimmick to get us to buy the latest product whether it is of good quality or not or is there some truth to the packaging label?
We need to ensure that if we want to care for our animals to the best of our abilities then research and homework into the top organic and naturally grown products is a must. Purchasing from reliable companies who pride themselves on a well-made item is essential and will give you peace of mind knowing that your pet’s welfare and health are in good hands.
You want a nutritional plan in place as we all do for dogs, which offers a well-balanced meal filled with the essential vitamins and minerals. Check the packing labels of the products to ensure that no chemicals and harsh pesticides are used to harvest and grow the ingredients and that their production practices are ethical and meet regulation codes and standards.
If you are already an avid CBD user then you will be well-versed in the health advantages it has to offer your canine family member and more than likely have seen an overall significant improvement.
What is CBD?
The Cannabidiol plant and flower goes through a manufacturing process where the concentrated oil is extracted through various methods (CO2 extraction known to be the best but also the priciest) and this is then used as an oil or infused into a variety of products that are taking the world by storm and sparking creativity by users.
Although it comes from the marijuana family and thus people are hesitant to use it, what they may not know is that the CBD plant is made up of 2 main components.
The first being the THC element which is essentially the ‘black sheep’ of the plant, it gives users that euphoric high feeling which is associated with hallucinations and psychoactive episodes, and products that contain this ingredient are not safe for animals.
Then the second part is what we know as Cannabidiol or CBD and this is the compound we do want, it has cannabinoid receptors (read more about it here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabinoid_receptor ) the same as those found in the neuro system and thus makes them highly compatible.
CBD-infused dog diet
When implementing this plant into your dog’s diet you will not only see significant external results from thicker, fuller fur, but internal workings manifest outwards. Your pup will be running on the dog walk for long as his endurance increases, no more lying around feeling lethargic and exhausted.
Those slumps from swollen joints and muscles become a thing of the past as the build-up that causes the inflammation is no longer and your pet can enjoy his day’s pain-free.
One of the many great things about CBD is how it stabilizes and regulates the pulses that are sent to and from the brain, these help the animal to assess what would initially be a stressful experience and maintain a sense of calm.
Take a moment to read this interesting article and hear the experience a pet owner went through with his dog and how he managed his pet’s behavior and effects.
Events such as fireworks night which cause severe anxiety in pets can be managed with a regular program of CBD doses. Given a few hours before and your dog will enjoy the spectacle lighting up the sky just as much as you do.
Your dog will simply think you are rewarding him for being so lovable or perhaps he has been great at ‘fetch’ in the park earlier that day, but receiving a treat is always a welcomed event. What they are unaware of though is that the bone-shaped doggy snack has been soaked with CBD oil and is benefiting him in more ways than one.
This is just one of the many methods of how pet owners are implementing the herb into the meals, you may even have a function on that evening at the house where lots of people gathering usually cause your dog to hide in the cupboard for the duration of the evening. Stir a few drops into their meal at lunch and he’ll be relaxing off to the side enjoying the festivities.
CBD offers a better quality of life to individuals and animals alike, and all the while not needing harsh chemical substitutes or unnatural preservatives. Always opt for organic ingredients to take care of your pets, they deserve it.